We are excited to offer these preschool enrichment programs! For questions or enrollment information, please contact the office at 480-838-9097.
Early BirdEarly Bird class meets from 8:00-8:30 am each morning! Have an early appointment or need to get to work? Drop your little one off with the other Early Birds! Class is taught by Mrs. Gehring. Lunch BunchLunch Bunch is is for students in the 3’s, 4’s and Pre-K! Lunch Bunch meets every day of the week from 11:30am-12:30pm. There are 2 Lunch Bunch teachers at all times with a maximum of 16 students. SpanishSpanish classes are 30 minutes and are offered to 3’s, 4’s and Pre-K students. Enrichment Spanish is taught by Beatriz Wood. Senora Beatriz has taught at Dayspring for two years and her classes are both educational and lots of fun. The number of classes will vary per session. S.T.E.A.M. ClassesSTEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. STEAM focuses on sparking imagination and creativity through the arts in ways that naturally align with STEM learning. There will be activities that include art, baking, cooking, yoga, science experiments, and more! These exciting classes are offered all year, with sessions lasting 5 or 8 weeks. S.T.E.A.M. classes meet after school from 11:30am-2:00pm | More Details: Preschool classes meet from 8:30am-11:30am. Enrichment teachers or the preschool directors will pick up the children from their classroom and take them to their enrichment class. Parents will pick up their children from the enrichment classroom. |